FREE EBOOK - Choosing the Path of a Sage

12 Chapters on the Ancient Wisdom of the Tao.
Learn how to take the path of the Sage and journey within.
Learn daily practices to help find daily peace.
Learn how to drown out the noise of Society.
Join the Revolution Mindset and receive a personalised signed copy.

Accredited Senior Practitioner 

In June 2021 I was awarded my European Individual Accreditation (EIA) by the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) at Senior Practitioner Level. 

I lead the vision of Coaching Minds which offers industry-accredited coach training programmes and an online Global Platform of Mindfulness. I have over 5 years experience in contract management and a Masters Degree in Law.

I have featured in a number of Global Summits & Conferences, published works 

I hold a small client base with limited availability that I coach on a one-to-one basis. If you are interested in working closely with me, please check to see if there is any availability below. 

My CPD Courses

Earn CPD Points and gain rewards in the Coaching Minds Hub by completing my CPD Courses.

Changing Perspective

Change your perspective on life and gear yourself up for success.

Intro Lesson: The First Two Tools

Lesson 1: Values, Passion, Purpose

    Lesson 2:  Uprooting Your Authenticity

    Lesson 3: Evolve Your Vision

    Lesson 4: Goal Hackathon

    Lesson 5: Fixed v Growth Mindset

    Lesson 6: Routines and Habits

    Lesson 7: Confidence Fears and Decision Making

    Lesson 8: Positivity and Possibility

    Lesson 9: Gratitude and Appreciation

    Lesson 10: Changing our Perspective of our Pasts

    30 Days of Gratitude

    Show gratitude for what you have and begin to abundantly attract more.

    Day 1:  Something You See Everyday 

    Day 2:  Something You Do Everyday

    Day 3: Technology

    Day 4: Home

    Day 5: Nature

    Day 6: Friends

    Day 7: Family

    Day 8: Transport

    Day 9: Work

    Days 10-30

    Spoken Story

    Your story must be shared. Learn how to articulate and deliver your story as an inspirational message and feature on the Spoken Story Podcast..

    "First of all: AMAZING!

    Paul is incredible at what he does and he always allows you to feel so smart and in control! He helps you undercover and examine what may be bothering you and helps you conquer it. He helps you build confidence in all areas of your life and grow and prosper! He’s a great soul and offers such an empowering community that constantly uplifts you’re soul."


    "Genuine, caring, authentic, compassionate, confident, seeker, learner. These are attributes that come to mind when describing the type of person I want as a coach and Paul exhibits all of these and more. They are part of his intrinsic nature. Another important attribute I want to see in a coach is that they "walk the walk", which gives them the unique perspective of what's important in coaching others. Paul absolutely "walks the walk." He's doing the work himself to continually grow to become, not only the best he can be as person, but also as a coach. He will teach you, he will challenge you, and he will empower you, and he will also be right beside you, cheering you on as you get those "wins" along the way. If you're looking for a coach, please consider Paul. I highly recommend him."


    "Paul has helped me through so much that I needed to work on. He took the time to understand where I needed help and what could be put in place to help me achieve my goals and stick with them. If your ever thinking of coaching then Paul is perfect."



    +44 7702 062468

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